The Mumbai-Ahmedabad bullet train corridor has been making steady progress since work began in November 2021. Every now and then, the Railways Ministry shares several updates to keep followers up to date with the developments happening in the project. On Monday, National High-Speed Rail Corporation Limited (NHSRCL) which has been tasked with overseeing the ambitious project shared a video of a tunnel for the bullet train that will pass through two states.
NHSRCL took to X and shared an aerial video of the tunnel which is flanked by the states of Maharashtra and Gujarat. ''The MAHSR #bullettrain project tunnels through, connecting Maharashtra and Gujarat. A testament to engineering ingenuity that brings states closer on the route to progress,'' the caption of the video read.
Watch the video here:
The MAHSR #bullettrain project tunnels through, connecting Maharashtra and Gujarat. A testament to engineering ingenuity that brings states closer on the route to progress.
— NHSRCL (@nhsrcl) February 19, 2024
Previously in November, NHSRCL announced the completion of 100 kilometres of viaducts and 230 kilometres of pier work. The milestone was reached through the innovative ''full span launching technique'' (FSLM), employing 40-metre long ''full span box girders'' and ''segmental girders'', according to a statement by the NHSRCL.
Covering a distance of 508 km between Mumbai and Ahmedabad, the bullet train is expected to achieve a maximum speed of 320 km per hour, reducing travel time to just 2 hours. 24 river bridges, 28 steel bridges, and 7 mountain tunnels are being erected for the bullet train route.
So far, bridges have been built over six rivers - the Par and Auranga in Valsad district, and the Purna, Mindhola, Ambika, and Venganiya in Navsari.
Notably, the Railways will run 35 bullet trains when it starts operations, with about 70 trips per day. It plans to increase the number to 105 trains by 2050. Around 1.6 crore people are expected to travel by train every year when operations begin.
The projected cost is an estimated ₹ 1.08 lakh crore, of which the centre is committed to providing ₹ 10,000 crore, while Gujarat and Maharashtra will contribute ₹ 5,000 crore each. The remaining funding will be secured through a loan from Japan - at a minimal 0.1 per cent interest rate.
The foundation for the bullet train project was laid in Ahmedabad in September 2017. This high-speed train initiative holds the potential to revolutionise regional rail transportation.